If you are looking for Omron Authorized Distributors in Bangalore? Then this is the perfect place for you. Multitech System Deals all types of Photoelectric Sensor like Built-in Amplifier Products with Reasonable prices in Chennai, India. With these Photoelectric Sensors, the amplifier is built into the Sensor Head.
We offer Built-in Amplifier products like E3S-R, E3S-LS3, E3S-A, E3S-CL, E3S-C, E3ZM, E3Z-LT / LR / LL, E3Z-LS, E3Z-G with Manual Datasheet. E3S-R is Ideal for Detecting Glass Wafers and Other Transparent Objects.

Water- and Oil-resistant Photoelectric Sensor with Metal Housing Used for Long-range Sensing

E3S-CL is Reliable detection regardless of color or material. Black/white error of only 2% max. (E3S-CL1) and Long sensing distance of 500 mm (E3S-CL2). E3S-C contains Excellent resistance against the water and oil. Easy application in locations with oil mist with NPN/PNP selector switch output.
E3ZM contains Strong resistance against detergents, disinfectants, and jet liquid flow. Product lineup includes BGS Reflective Models and Through-beam Models with built-in slits. E3Z-LT / LR / LL is Safety and reliability with laser class 1 (JIS and IEC) with Maximum ambient operating temperature of 55°C and waterproof construction in E3Z class.
E3Z-LS is used to Detect minute steps. Distance-settable triangulation model unaffected by color. E3Z-G Series Models are available with one or two light axes and M8 pre-wired connectors.
Multitech System is one of the top Omron Authorized Distributors in Bangalore, India. Get Special discounts on Omron Photoelectric Sensor products like Separate Amplifier, Area Sensors, Built-in Power Supply, Accessories etc..,